


Topic A: Regulation of Cyber Warfare and Its Impact on Civilian Infrastructure
Topic B: Strengthening Biological and Chemical Weapons Convention and Reparations


Topic A: Combatting Desertification in Key Agricultural Areas
Topic B: Addressing Growing Lithium and Rare Earth Metal Demand in Sustainable and Ethical Manners


Topic A: Protecting Digital Privacy Under Mass Surveillance and Data Exploitation
Topic B: Regulating Cryptocurrency to Foster Innovation While Mitigating Risks of Anonymity and Untraceability


Topic: Leveraging Digital Health Technologies to Achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC)


Topic A: Water as a Tool of Warfare in Modern Armed Conflicts
Topic B: Impact of Technology on the Safety of Journalists in Conflict Zones


Topic A: Western Sahara
Topic B: Legality of the Threat and Use of Cyberwarfare and Operations


Topic: Navigational Blackout: The Global GNSS Crisis

Position Paper Guidelines

Unless the relevant committee’s background guide specifies otherwise, position papers should follow these guidelines:

  • Font and Size: Times New Roman (size: 12)
  • Margins: 1 inch all around (Normal)
  • Maximum Plagiarism: 15% (Make sure you cite any sources you use)
  • Length: One page long (excluding the bibliography page)
  • Citations: MLA format
  • Spacing: Single spacing within paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs (press ENTER twice)
  • Alignment: Justified
  • File type: .doc or .docx (No PDFs allowed)

  • Delegates should submit their completed position paper by February 5th at this link: Position Paper Submission Form.

    Parlimentary Procedure

    All committees will follow the MITMUNC Official Position Paper Guidelines.

    Additionally, all committees will follow the MITMUNC Official Rules and Procedure.

    Background Guides for MITMUNC XVII!

    Access Background Guides Here!